Thursday, February 26, 2009

Sun days

A little sanity in utter chaos

Buzz buzz and more buzz
Under my pillow,
Oblivious to the message, the ring and the alarm;

Hints of summer mornings,
Marking my forehead with warm sweat,

Sun ready to take off in his fast car
After keeping frustratingly silent,
Ready with his angry darts sharpened,
Strong intentions to no more miss the bull’s-eye

Horns aimed; snorting hot waves
Fiercely lashing
Charging into my window
Creating flashy light
And raising dust behind him.

Though still at the horizon
Messengers rushing ahead of him
Announcing his hasty arrival
And spreading gossips of his fiery aura

Hints of summer mornings,
Buzz buzz and more buzz
Sweat making patterns on my pillow,

I wake up to a man,
A priest; arrayed in white clothes
Perfumed by jasmine,
Bow made of a mango branch.


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