Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Petrified !!!

You rise and fall
Your blue belly throbs with life
mimicking my breathing
While I try to calm myself

You rise and fall
your surface a welcoming serenity
life in you carries on
while my life throbs with a dull ache

You rise and fall
Today you respond to the full moon
You are both smiling at each other
while you rise up to him and he bows down to you

You rise and fall
my dreams as wet wild patterns on my cheeks
I silently urge you to teach me the patience to wait
while you dance with the delight of seeing your beloved

You rise and fall
My breathing now hiccups
You rise higher falling with more rush.
Creating a beautiful ruckus,
While drenching the sand around announcing your Ecstasy

You rise and fall
Your divine dance more and more intense
as you mock me
You rise and fall
Happy now that you know
I can't even see him once every fortnight,

You rise and fall
While I cry a sea
My heart heaving like your belly
My breathing matching the rhythm of your RISE and FALL
My sobs hushing up the noise of your dance.

Nothing can distract you
As You rise and fall
Like you don't care.

You rise and fall
while my tear containing organs, fill and empty...
With each of your RISE AND FALL.

1 comment:

Rachana Vinay said...

.....I silently urge you to teach me the patience to wait
while you dance with the delight of seeing your beloved...
